Case Study

 We Are Undefeatable 

We Are Undefeatable Logo

Usability Testing provided clarity & direction ahead of a website redesign.

This User Centred Design project began with a thorough Usability Test of the current website, testing participants with a long-term health condition, who are potential service users of We Are Undefeatable.


Age UK approached us with a brief to review a website called We Are Undefeatable (WAU), a campaign in collaboration with Sport England and 15 other health-related charities. This campaign was designed to support people with long-term health conditions to become more physically active, providing practical tools and inspirational stories to help motivate people. Moving from an above-the-line campaign to a self-serve digital support service, the brief was to evaluate the usability and experience of the current website to then help with the design of a new front-end WAU website.


We proposed a Usability Testing project with potential service users who have long-term health conditions, before moving into our Architecture phase of work.  

The usability testing examined the current experience and identified several key pain points and opportunities for improvement. The recommendations from the research provided a blueprint to scope the Architecture phase. In addition to the usability testing, we ran a series of workshops:  

A User Profiling workshop was conducted to develop profiles to help ground the team and project stages in a user-first perspective. Following this, it was important to understand the wider ‘organisation’ needs and requirements of WAU from the stakeholders themselves. We ran a Stakeholder Workshop to identify if anything was missing before translating and prioritising our findings so far into features, functions and content. Finally, our Feature Prioritisation workshop finalised and prioritised key requirements for the new site. 

Our User Journey Mapping process, guided by Experience UX, enabled the project team and stakeholders to create intuitive journeys. During this time, we also embarked on a four-step Taxonomy design process with their audience to shape the website hierarchy from a user’s perspective utilising card-sorting and tree testing methodologies. By examining the output from user and stakeholder activities we identified how users expected WAU’s content to be grouped and organised along with the steps they would take to get there.  

The final step of this project was to validate our insights through creating a series of Wireframes which could then be tested in a final Prototype UT with more of their targeted audience.  

“The team at Experience UX are best-in-class at what they do, professional but also thoroughly nice human beings who listen and adapt. Our journey into user centred design was new, but we were guided with patience and expertise. I wholeheartedly recommend Experience UX

Brand Marketing Manager, We Are Undefeatable


This multifaceted UCD project identified the need for new journeys and content to be designed on the site in order to support users become more active. Our research-backed wireframe prototype successfully demonstrated the need to provide health condition specific journeys as well as multiple ways to access resources and motivational content across the site.  

These wireframes offered guidance and direction to effectively help AgeUK redevelop the site from a user-first perspective.  

Through usability testing and user centred design, we were able to identify core user needs to help guide We Are Undefeatable’s new front-end website in supporting those with long-term health conditions become more physically active

 Emma Peters

UX Consultant

UX Consultant Emma Peters



A series of user profiling workshops to uncover staff and volunteers’ future ways of working.


Compare The Market

Moderated and unmoderated user research to capture users’ emotional response to homepage designs.


Universities UK

User research to form an evidence-based business case for a user-centred website.

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UX Consultant Amy Hunter

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Are you launching or planning a new digital product? Or do you want to test your website or app? Our expert team can help with user research, usability testing, and service design solutions.

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