Effective user experience doesn’t just happen.

Our Services

Any experience consists of a collection of moments; a symphony of highs and lows. Our proven approach to helping websites and apps deliver a user experience that is both intuitive and effective focuses on user-centred research, usability testing and UX design. The result is a carefully researched, evaluated and designed road map that saves you time, cost and headaches.

User Research

We believe that the foundation of any project should be laid early with a thorough understanding of users and their needs. We utilise a variety of online and face to face research techniques to uncover user needs throughout every step of their journey.

Usability Testing

Usability testing and user research are the best tools for identifying what’s really happening with your product or service,  and why users are dropping out of the process.

UX Design

We make information easy to understand and interact with. Our approach focuses on the underlying structure, grouping, and labelling in order to build a system that allows users to quickly find what they’re looking for.

Do you have a user insight challenge we can solve?

Poor Conversions

You might be getting plenty of traffic, but it’s not converting. Analytics may give you an idea of what is happening, but not why. We deliver proven conversion increases. We’d love to show you.

Low user engagement

Our assumptions about what people need and want, often don’t match with reality. We can put you in direct contact with the real people buying, and using your products and services.

Tough competition

See how your product or service matches up to the competition. Our unique approach benchmarks critical user journeys against key competitors and gives you an action plan.

We’re trusted by top brands to solve their UX problems, we’d love to help you too.

How can we help?
Are you launching or planning a new digital product? Or do you want to test your website or app? Please get in touch for a no obligation conversation.

01202 293652 amyhunter@experienceux.co.uk