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Congratulations you’re on the waitlist

We’ll be in touch soon to let you know if your university website has been selected.

On the 25th & 26th June 2024 our UX Researchers are testing university websites, with live tasks being performed by students looking to begin study in 2025. You are on the waitlist to be included.

Improve usability & course applications

Can your users find what they are looking for?

We provide a human touch to establish what information users need, and how best to present it, to create a positive user experience.

How do people feel when they leave your site?

We sit, one-to-one, with prospective undergraduates to establish where and why they get confused to remove unnecessary complexity.

How do you prioritise effective Quick Wins?

Observing people as they try to use your websites provides an intimate and real-world evidence to establish quick wins and priority improvements.

A collective approach:

Why is this usability test unique?

We’ve recruited 10 prospective undergrad students looking to begin study in 2025.

In this unique project we’re offering four UK universities the chance to each be the focus for the study, spreading the cost of this professional, moderated, and qualitative research study to £2,995, with four spaces available.

Why Usability Testing?

A human researcher, talking with and watching a real person, who is trying to use your digital interface

  • Increase applications – helping users to answer their questions and make the right choices. 
  • Decrease bounce rates – engage users quickly so they know they’re in the right place.
  • Reduce user anxiety – present the right information, in a digestible format, in the correct order. 
  • Positive impact – Live the experience with participants to establish context for accurate recommendations.

How does it work?

Our UX Researcher will sit one-to-one (remotely) with each prospective student. They observe people trying to find suitable courses and supporting information, and you can watch along.

During each test, all four university websites will be included. Two of the websites take the stage as the primary websites for each test. We will rotate the order so each university is a primary website on five tests and will be included in all ten sessions. 

The research is designed to evaluate the usability and experience of each website. It is not a comparison test. 

Ali at Experience UX with the team in the background

Ali Carmichael, Founder and MD of Experience UX

What our customers say

“I always enjoy working with EUX. Personable and excellent, their actionable insights improve both usability and user experience”

Victoria Stead, The Open University

Why Experience UX?

  • Experts in moderated user research methods
  • 18 years experience of Usability Testing
  • Independent, outside-in perspective provides clarity
  • We source, screen, and book the participants
  • We plan, script and pilot the test
  • We analyse, prioritise and report the findings
  • We source and mock-up recommendations for you


Moderated research involves constant interaction between the researcher and the research participants. For example, conducting interviews where an interviewer speaks directly with individuals constitutes moderated research.

Alternatively, unmoderated research, such as surveys, involves sending out questions for participants to answer without any direct conversation taking place.

The price for this project is set at £2,995 + VAT.

One of the benefits we are creating with this project is to spread the cost of the research across four universities.

This allows four universities to benefit from the depth of insight a study like this produces, plus our analysis and actionable recommendations.

You are invited to watch prospective undergraduates use your website as they try to find a course and supporting information.

As part of the test, you will be asked if you want to include your own question or task, which we’ll design into the test script.

Each session will be made available to watch live, and you will be invited to a presentation of the findings and recommendations.

Finally, you will receive a copy of the full report, including any individual findings for your university, and you have the chance to book a follow up meeting with our researcher to discuss any questions you have from the report.

Following the research, the Experience UX team will analyse the insight to create findings and recommendations. These will be presented a week after the research, on Friday 5th July 2024.

The full report will be issued the following week, along with a recording of the presentation, and the chance to book an appointment with the researcher.

The main reason to share this with other universities is to reduce the cost for you. We’re hoping this affords you the chance to run more usability tests, more often.

But even if this is the only test you undertake, this is an opportunity to benefit from the depth and breadth of insight delivered by a professional moderated usability test, that is facilitated by an expert UX Researcher.

There is value is seeing your potential users as they navigate other websites also. This is often a more natural behaviour for users, as they source information, products or services. And learning from the good and bad of other websites provide accurate context to ideas and recommendations.

If you are open to it, this is also a chance to meet your colleagues at other universities, share experiences, and learn from each other.

Experience UX works with third party research recruitment partners. These  specialists will source suitable people from their network and advertising, will screen each person to ensure they meet our criteria, and then book them into the available research slots.

We will be recruiting students that are looking to begin study in 2025, but have not yet decided on where they want to study, and are open to studying anywhere in the UK.

In a standard Usability Test we have one client, whose website is the main focus. However, we often include 3 or 4 competitor websites. This allows for more natural user behaviour, and we learn from the good and bad experiences we observe.

In this Usability Test, instead of one site plus competitors, we are sharing the test between four university websites. This is not a comparison test.

We will structure each test to spend more time on two of the websites, but all four websites will be tested in each session. We then rotate the websites across each test so, by the end of the final session, each university website will have been the main focus five times, but will have been included in ten usability tests.

There will be ten usability test sessions in total, each booked for one hour. Whilst we will include some flexibility to flow with each participant we will structure the design of the test script to include all four websites in each test.

To allow for deeper exploration, two websites will be the main focus of each test, and we will rotate each website across the participants.

This will allow our UX Researcher the chance to observe user behaviour across all four websites, covering each of our tasks, with plenty of insight to provide a valuable and comprehensive report.

There is value to be had in sharing this experience with other universities. However, we appreciate that you might want a dedicated usability test for your website.

If this is the case, please contact us separately and we discuss the options with you. See Ali’s phone number and email address below:

Do you have any questions?

Please get in touch if you are interested in Usability Testing and have questions, or you’d just like to find out more.

01202 293652