At Experience UX, we believe in putting people first—customers, colleagues, and users. But in the rush to meet deadlines and hit targets, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters.
This is why we’re committed to user-centred design: understanding the needs, expectations, and experiences of your end-users to create digital interfaces that deliver on their promise.
The challenge? Balancing user needs with business goals. Many companies are eager to get technology projects underway, often skipping crucial steps that ensure a seamless user experience. We get it—time is of the essence. But by-passing user input can lead to compromised solutions and missed opportunities.
Our solution? A user-centred framework that starts lightly with user-journey insight on your website and your competition.
Our Competitor Benchmark Usability Audit is our perfect first step, offering valuable insights into yours and your competitors’ user experience. It’s a cost-effective way to begin integrating user-centred thinking into your process.